Friday, August 24, 2007

How do I know there is life after death communication

My experience with life after death communication goes way back when I was a child, but I didn't recognize what it was until this year.

The first time that stands out for me, is as a child of about 12. I was heading along the lane towards my uncles house. He had removed an underground fuel tank which left a hole that had collected some water and frogs had taken up residence in there. As I started to walk towards the spot, I got vivid clear visions of snakes, danger and I had not in the slightest way been thinking of snakes before. I mean, I had played in the fuel tank hole many times and I felt safe doing so. The visions were strong and constant, but I kept going and jumped into the hole as I had done many times before, and I jumped out just as fast, because there was a snake in the hole. I instantly thought I had imagined it, as I had been thinking about snakes, so I peared over the edge of the hole and shure enough there was a snake gleeming back at me. I was so lucky and that event has stood out till this day.

The second realy strong event was many years later, when I had my first three children. The youngest was a little over one year old and the other two were 18 months apart from there. They were playing in the yard where I could watch them from the kitchen window. I was washing up when I got this vivid picture of water and danger, I knew the feeling and instantly I ran out to check the children. They had gone and I knew that the only water we had was the dam. I ran so fast, I don't know where the energy came from and as I reached the dam, my youngest was stuck in the mud and she had the wobbles up with the other two holding each arm. I grabbed Teresa, and left her little plastic gum boots stuck there in the mud and sat her on the bank, then I pulled Adrian and Karen out of the mud and water.

If I had not listened to the messages I got that day from who ever I would have lost Teresa and may be all three children. I lived in an isolated area and no one would have just come across the children, so this message had to have come from someone beyond this life, another life after death communication.

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