Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New life after death communication left me with questions

After my last life after death communication with Geoff, I was left with many questions. There was a lot of information that was passed on, and I will share some of that later, but one nagging question that I had was:

What was the nickname that Geoff was known by? He had always said to me, "I am just Geoff", but when the Rosie, my psychic, said to me they call him by his nickname, I didn't think to ask. I thought it would have to be a work related thing, after all two of his workmates have died and they all worked closely together.

After weeks of asking, I got an urge to ring work. In six months only one person from Geoff's old crew remained, his young apprentice Brent. Brent told me the name, and next time I see Rosie, this will be my confirmation that she is talking to Geoff.

Brent also told me of the things that had been going on at work early in the morning when he first started work. From six o'clock until the rest of the staff arrive about eight, he felt like someone was in the factory with him. He said it was a feeling that followed him around as he got his work done. Brent really misses Geoff and some times, he told me, he feels like Geoff is still working at the fish filleting table with him, he feels Geoff giving him instructions as he works at the table, only to look up and he is not there.

I told him of some of my life after death communications and told him to simply say hi! We came to the conclusion that there was a more than fair chance if it was anyone in the factory it was Geoff. He was so relieved to hear what I had to say "That makes me feel so much better".

Geoff loved his work, he was a very talented filleter and knew all his fish. Even the local CSIRO would come and get him to cut their samples of fish for their research and books. He was well respected throughout the Tasmanian fish industry. It makes sense that when he is not around me he would spend time in the factory. Except for coming home and spending time with me, his life was at work. Every night he would pull out his books and study another fish he may had come into the factory that day.

I am glad I am not the only one who can pick up the life after death communications from Geoff. Young Brent knows enough now, that hopefully he can feel what Geoff is trying to teach him and learn all the skills he needs to become a great fillet too.

There is a reason I picked up that phone, you should always go with your instinct, you never know when it may help someone else as well as yourself. Recovery after a Death comes in many forms and those who watch over us see the whole picture.

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