Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Best Life After Death Communication Yet!

I had the best life after death communication with Geoff this weekend that I have had yet. So many questions answered and so much laughter and happiness.

It is coming up to a year now since Geoff died, and even though I had a massive grief breakdown toward the end of last year, I had managed to start feeling happy again this year. A few tears started to surface in the last week and I got a strong message from Geoff to go see Rosie again.

By seeing Rosie, Geoff is able to talk to me in words, where I get feelings from him, a knowing. Some times I get a idea that will pop into my head, or words on paper. One distinctive night I was sitting on my bed, Geoff was around and out of the blue I got a clear message about a male workmate, in the past I had never thought of him in any way other than a workmate. I said to Geoff, are you telling me that this man is going to be the one, the one I end up with? Geoff had said in the past he would let me know who when the time was right. I mean just the thought was triggering off sensations that I had not experienced before. I even changed bus routs just so I was not exposed to temptation, but our paths still cross and I get this sweet smile back and I think nothing is going away. One morning after I had parked my bus I found my self waiting, because he was running late, like a silly school girl, waiting for a chance to see him as he drove by.

Rosie had lost a dear friend only a month ago, so we were able to talk about death and the passing over, because we have an understanding of what has happened, where other people who have not experienced or do not understand that there is life after death and an intelligent spiritual consciousness that can communicate with us if we let it, other people just think you are crazy and do not understand what you are trying to explain.

Geoff like always was eager to start the meeting. He and Rosie's friend Steve had already met, so we had a four way conversation. "I want you to be happy", he said "when you are happy, I am happy, but I want You to be even happier". Geoff explained that a new love was waiting for me, I may not be aware yet, a man that is more compatible with me than even he was and a love more stronger than any I have know for many life times. I had to tell what happened that night in my room and find out if it was true and as I told my story Rosie said they were laughing. "We know, we have watched you, behaving like a "school girl", enjoy every moment, every experience." I thought wow! he seen me waiting behind the bus, but they laughed.

The conversation evolved around this new man from the busses, making money from my websites and a pay increase for all our bus drivers, which involves a big conference and Rosie said she seen placards. I know we have not had more than a few dollars increase in our wages over the last three years, nothing this year, but a strike! We all love our jobs so much.

The conversation dwelt on my websites for some time and Steve had pointed out to me to use U-Tube to bring in those one million visitors who spend a dollar, so get the site finished soon. The site is about helping people develop their own sites and it was good to get feedback from Steve to keep going with it, and to confirm that I will make money from them, clear my debts and save. Don't be afraid to dream big, it is time to think of all the things and places you want and save up and do it. The house, travel, the website will pay your way.

I found after my last reading with Rosie, Geoff had said there was no God, no mention of him and I could not write that here, so I asked him about it. Geoff explained, he said he seen the white light as you cross over, and he was not expecting the experiences that faced him. He was looking for a human figure, like we are told here, but it is all energy, a higher energy that is not possible on earth. He believes as he has evolved spiritually, that he may have met a god like energy, but it is nothing like he was expecting, it is yellow energy. He has met many guides, Egyptian, American Indian, Tibetan, Jesus he recognized from a picture and others.

Geoff said to me that most of the time, I am spot on when I feel his presence and my spiritual awareness is about to increase, he and my guides are working with me, then he mentioned the night of the full moon when I was looking over the water, I remember because I said to Geoff that night to look at how beautifully it was. That is the time to develop your skills.

I had a feeling that Geoff had an idea when he was about to die, because we talked about it on the Sunday before he died. The question lingered in my mind, so I asked him about it. His response was I knew but I didn't know. I had a feeling something was different, I had pictures from the other side I couldn't talk about because I thought people would think I was mad. I started to feel better, no pain, no hurt, more energy. (that weekend Geoff mowed all the lawns and weeded the gardens) On the Tuesday he come home early, talking to me one minute, then the lights went out, just like that. (massive heart attack) He said it was like a light switch, you turn life on, you turn life off. He didn't want to go, he wanted more time, but his job now is to help me grow spiritually.

The conversation kept coming back to "the man on the bus". Geoff wanted me to know what ever happened it was all right, it is meant to be. He will split from his wife, their relationship ended months ago and you will help him through it. There will be lots of coffee, and Rosie said she sees us at the pictures. Nothing will happen till after the split, but the seeds have been planted. When I heard this I felt uneasy, I don't want to be the cause of someones unhappiness. You are not, you are the one who will be there, to help when needed, it is all in the timing. I had to ask the question "Are you sure ----- is the one?" and the answer was yes.

I must admit, there is no other person who has stirred my heart, got the tingles going and if I do take on another partner, I could not think of a better choice. Thanks Geoff, you know how I feel for you, and yes your passing has opened my heart chakra like I have never experienced before.

This has been the best life after death communication I have ever had and it confirms all the things deep down that I all ready know. It is still nice to confirm that all the messages I get, are real and to know "You are loved more than you ever know" from Geoff, Gran, my Guides "and even more awaits you in the future".

To everyones happiness
Sarah-Ann McLeod

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