It has been Two Years since my first After Death Communication With Geoff, and even though we have both moved on in life and from death, our communication is still strong.
I have a new job, a flat on my own now and developing new friendships, my friendship with Geoff is still as strong as ever, even if I did forget his birthday on the 11th April.
He tells me, through Rosie, of the events that he had dealt with recently, like the families in the Victorian fires who had no idea they had died and Geoff and others like him who's job it is to help people pass over understand what has happened to them. They no longer live in their bodies, but they still exist. Or as Geoff found out, dead is not dead! I can only explain this as I have been made to understand to be true.
Of course I also get descriptions of events that have happened to me, what I call the confirmations that Geoff is talking to me and things that were described that I have since found out to be true, like a description of one of my workmates wearing a distinctive cap and when I saw the cap, it took a while for me to take my eyes of the cap and look at who was wearing it, then it all made sense. It was one of my trainers and we had spent a lot of time together over those weeks.
My Uncle spoke to me that day also, he spoke to me of the excruciating pain of his heart attack just before he died, nothing like the discomfort of the pneumonia. He spoke of the pain of leaving his beloved behind and watching her in that place. I said to him I believed he had passes over to make her passing much easier and he agreed that to be the case. He said I had always been a caring person, I had just taken time to listen to him and give my Uncle time to express his feelings over the last few years when he came to Tasmania to be with family. It still hurts Uncle Tom to be separated from Aunty Bett, and he looks forward to the day they will dance again. He talks to her sometimes, as she borders on death, but he also knows that the body can last a long time in this fluctuating state. He told of meeting army people and watching the events of his life, catching up with family and friends and there was a song he mentioned, I can't remember with out going over the tapes, but music comes up very often when I talk to those who have passed over. Rosie described my Uncle as a distinctive gentleman in a suit and bowler hat which he tipped to her as he entered the room, after patiently waiting at the door for his turn. A man of gentle heart and compassion.
Geoff spoke to me of being in a castle with his teacher and learning from books of knowledge where the pages did not actually turn, yet you absorb the knowledge you were taught. This was his description. He spoke of feeling constantly on a buzz, like being drunk but with out the alcohol.
I asked him about his children, and he said the girls have their material things, and that is all that matters, they have no compassion. He has tried to help them but they don't listen, with head in hands "What more can I do?". He knows the hurt his Mum is going through and he cares, he tries to help. I passed this on to her and she said she knows. Like me she can only say what she feels, knowing the boys may hear, but never knowing what the response is unless she is told, yet knowing. This is a big step for a family who said "Dead was Dead".
I am lucky, I have someone who can be the voice, who can tell me what Geoff and others can pass on. I know this is true and I am beginning to understand some of "this space" through my life after death communication. Geoff answers my questions which I sometimes ask before I go and see Rosie. I know when the time is right and often so does she.